Tuesday, April 1, 2008


my missing texas moment today is my family. they are crazy (just like yours). and when i am around them, i get very sick of being the black sheep that i am so comfortable and make habitual efforts to continuously be. but they are MY crazy family. and today i miss them very much.

i was at home the other night thinking about my crazy family as i took a break from my new book WHAT TO EAT by marion nestle and it made me smile to think of all the craziness that has gone on between us (in every possible combination). it has been a long road and i have felt the growing pains for every day of the last twenty five years, as i know they have, too. it is so fitting that moving across the country has given me a hint of the feeling i have always wanted to have for my family. i know i will always be a loner, it is way too comfortable this way and it has been my protection many times. but it is nice to have community, decency, humanity, courtesy, familiarity. that very personal expectation has grown into a rant about how the world should be.

1 comment:

kelly said...

famdamnly is right!!!

ps - we miss you, too :)